Audience research and planning for the Beacon Museum
We worked closely with the Beacon team and their partners during 2021. We led a mixed-methods research project to explore perceptions, motivations and barriers to visiting, leading to a new audience plan for the museum. We also offered marketing advice & support to the team.
We are grateful to all those who supported the project and contributed to the research, including Friends of Whitehaven Museum, local groups, Copeland Borough Council, Sellafield Ltd and Cumbria Tourism.
We were pleased to work with Grace Scott at Meaningful Marketing, a Cumbria based marketing agency, who provided additional advice and support on digital marketing. And we are grateful to the Audience Agency and MDNW for their input and insight.
Research and development activities included:
- Analysis of the museum’s audience profile and it’s West Cumbria context
- Conversations with local partners and stakeholders
- Engagement with local groups and an online survey
- An action research visit to Whitehaven in June, including visitor surveys, market stall conversations, vox pop conversations, and informal conversations
- Online focus groups
- Appraisal sessions with the team
- Development of a new audience plan
The work has enabled the museum team to move forward with their plans to engage local audiences and community groups and promote the museum more widely to residents and tourists in Copeland and Cumbria.